Best Buy Laptops | Best laptops to buy in 2021

Best Buy Laptops

Best laptops to buy in 2021

Hey, most people have this question that Which laptop I should buy? or Which Laptop is best? Well, the term "Best laptop" depends on how much you can spend on it like if we talk about some best laptops then some famous brand names come in our mind such as, HP, Dell, Lenovo etc. It is not exactly decidable that which laptop is best it depends on your requirements and needs that what do you want from a laptop, what is the reason behind purchasing a laptop, for instance, if you are a student, then you want a laptop for studies if you're an engineer then you need the laptop for coding and programming which needs some higher specs like a good processor and speed, it's all about our niche. Buying a laptop is much easier then deciding which laptop is to buy? Everyone can check out for laptops on the internet or other shopping websites but they will only tell you the specifications of the laptop but they’ll not suggest that which laptops are best suitable for you. Everyone wants a laptop that is under budget and have the latest features. If you ever been to a shop to purchase a laptop then you must have noticed that they will suggest you an expensive laptop, they will not tell you the features very specifically they’ll just give you an overview of the features like it have 4 GB RAM and 1 TB storage and this and that, but not an exact purpose that if you need it for study purpose then you can just go for a cheaper version that will work fine.

What is the best laptop brand?

There are so many laptop brands in the market sometimes it is confusing that which one is best if you ask the seller they’ll tell you that every brand they have is best because they just have to make their sale. You have to do nothing just research a little bit about laptops on the internet like “What are the best laptops to buy in 2021” internet will show you tons of results don’t confuse there and just check their price and if you think that this will be under your budget and fulfil your requirements then you can go for it, the price could be a little bit different on every platform like if you buy online or visit a shop.

Some famous brands:

Stats showing top laptop brands in the world
Top Laptop Brands

If we talk about the brands then there are two major brands which acquire almost 50% market share HP and Lenovo these are the most purchased laptop brands in today's market. There are also other brands and they are also performing well in the market. So, if you're looking for a branded product you can rely on the top 5 brands shown in the table.

Stats showing forecast of laptops
Forecast for laptop sales

Which Type of Laptop is Best? 


Best laptops to buy in 2021

There are many types of laptops in the market like Notebook, Ultraportable, Ultrabook, Netbook, MacBook, ChromeBook and so on and they have different Operating System, the most popular Operating System is Microsoft Windows at approximately 77% to 87% globally used, Apple's macOS is 9% - 13%, Google's ChromeOS is about 6%(in the US) and others are around 2%.
If I suggest personally then I had a good experience on Microsoft Windows, it doesn't mean that the other Operating Systems are not good, but Windows are often used in PCs and Laptops.

What are the Best Featured Laptops

Best features laptops

Best features mean a laptop should contain specifications that we need like Processor, RAM, Graphics and Storage these are the main specs, everyone is likely to check these specifications at the time of buying laptops. There are some other features like Pre-activated MS Office and other pre-activated software and security services.

Average featured laptop:

  • RAM - 4 GB or above
  • Storage - 1 TB - 1.5 TB
  • Processor - At least Core i3 or i5
  • Integrated Graphics
  • Operating System: Windows/Mac/Chrome OS
  • Memory Speed - 1333 MHz or above (Standard)
  • The average Battery life of 6-8 Hours

But, if you're a gamer and looking a laptop for the PRO gaming experience then an average featured laptop is not enough for you, because gaming needs higher performance to run high graphics games like The Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Star Wars Battlefront II etc. These games need high-quality graphics and only a gaming laptop can run these games without any lag.

Features of best Gaming Laptops:

  • RAM - 16 GB DDR4 Memory or above
  • Graphics Card of NVIDIA or AMD with high-quality graphics
  • Storage - HDD 1 TB and SSD 256 GB or above
  • Fast Charging
  • Great Battery Life about 6-8 Hours (approx)
  • Memory Speed about 2000-2400 MHz
  • High-Resolution Full HD Display

  • Operating System: Windows/Mac/Chrome OS

  • Awesome looks and nice body

Check-out more

Best time to buy a Laptop 

best time to buy laptop

By the way, no time is bad for buying a laptop, yet experts believe that it should be bought only when there is an ongoing sale on electronics items, then you are more likely to get that thing at your desired price, yes, but for that, you have to wait for a little. If we talk about the right time, then spring and summer is not a bad option, there are many times when there is a sale or offer on products after the summer to buy laptops, then that time is absolutely favourable. If you're looking for best deals then you can also check at the time of festivals.

Why should I buy a Laptop? Why not Desktop PC

Many of you will have the question that why should I buy a laptop while I can also get a computer, but my friend the laptop proves to be quite beneficial in both personal and official work, you can use the computer just by sitting in one place but you can take the laptop with you wherever you want. The computer has its own advantages, but if I agree, I would recommend you to take the laptop as well. Desktop PC has some limitations, if you're looking for work from home then it could be a nice choice, but a laptop is best if you work outside or work mostly out of the town of far from home. Laptops are portable and user friendly and make it easy to use.

Laptops For Students

Laptops for students

If you are looking from a study point of view then the laptop is not a bad option at all. Even in this COVID situation, laptops have helped children a lot in studies. Many schools conducted online classes through laptops and there was no hindrance in the study of children. The laptop has proved to be a boon for students and children get to learn a lot through the internet. In today's era where the world has become so modern, the use of the laptop is a small step towards modernity.

Where to Get The Best Laptop Deals?
 Laptop Deals Best Buy!

So, now that you know what kind of laptop and brand you want, now you will have the question in your mind that where can I get good deals on laptops or from where should I buy a laptop? If you are looking for the best laptop deals, then you have come to the right place, I will tell you where you should get the best deals.

Nowadays, there are many options to buy laptops, as you can buy laptops from the electronic shop in the traditional way, but now you do not have to go anywhere, you can buy laptops from home, through e-commerce websites as you know like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, ShopClues and more. Buying laptops is easier now, you can search for laptops and check their customer review that will help a lot in taking decisions.

If you want to know more about laptops and it's prices then you can get some more information from here.

What Is The Best Budget Laptop? 

What is the best budget laptop? This question must have come to your mind while buying a laptop, so now you have to analyse your budget according to your needs like whether you want a cheap laptop or a better one If your work is going on with a cheap laptop then why buy an expensive one. If you still feel that you need a good laptop, then here are some tips for you.

  • Check for some best laptops online.
  • Compare some selected pieces.
  • Check their availability.
  • Check-out for public reviews on that particular laptop.
Here are some best budget laptops.

The best laptop price can range from 30k to 45k which is quite good. If you are looking for a laptop for programming or editing, the price may be higher. The gaming laptops are also very expensive and not everyone can afford them. The prices of laptops keep changing, sometimes you can get them at a cheaper price, then the same laptops can also be found at expensive prices.

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